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Exactly How To Handle Objections & Deal With Indecision

It’s unlikely you’re going to succeed in life or business without encountering situations where people don’t come around to your way of thinking.

So you’ve got to find ways of working through these types of negotiations and deal with any indecision that may come up.

People Are Indecisive

It’s true; people find it hard to make a decision a lot of the time, and they’ll need your help to work through it.

Any time someone says that they need time to think about it, or they need to talk it through with someone else or they want to compare offers, let them do it. 

Behave like you were expecting them to say that very thing.

People Are Allowed To Object

They are well within their rights to object. To be indecisive, to be ‘not sure’.

Your job is to guide them through the decision-making process.

Relax and be confident with it. If it’s a no, so what?

You did your best, so be comfortable with the fact that you’re the right person to help them through this decision.

Don’t jump into an answer if someone objects. 

Stop. Take a breath.


Clarify The Objection

The first thing you need to do is find out what they really mean and clarify their true objection.

The person in control of the conversation is the one asking the questions. So when they object, respond with a question.

When they say things like ‘I need to speak to my partner before I make a decision.’ Remember that you’re ok to ask them why, but you must be quiet and listen to their answer.

If it’s a price objection, ask them why and you’ll probably find out what you’re being compared to.

Once you understand the objections, you can create advice on how you can help them.


Accept The Negotiation & Appease The Situation

Having found out what they really need, don’t just launch into answer mode. Accept the negotiation. 

Indecision or objection could be a conflict situation, so if you respond with arguments you’re likely going to end up with two losers. 

You need to appease the conflict scenario. 

Unreasonable has never dealt with reasonable. So pushing back with an agreement, instead of an argument, may prove more successful.

With every objection raised, find a way of agreeing and/or apologizing. Doing this means that you’re always finding a way of leveling the playing field and creating an empathetic position that people respond to.

Don’t go to war with them. Make it your fault, not theirs.

If the objection is the price you don’t have to outright agree. Flip it and say ‘I’m sorry, I look for the best possible value too, and I’m really sorry for not explaining myself right.’ This opens up further scope for negotiation.


Get All The Objections On The Table

Now that you have clarified the objection, you can find out if this is the only one.

What you don’t want to do is overcome one just to be faced with another and another. You need to see the size of the mountain that you’re about to climb. 

Two or three you can tackle. Four, five, six, or seven, and you might realize that you’re speaking to the wrong person.


Listen Positively

Listen to every objection like they are a reason to buy. Not reasons to not buy.

Speaking to a partner becomes they love what’s on offer, but they need reassurance. 

That sounds expensive, becomes ‘that sounds expensive, but I see the value in it.’

Needing time to think is because everything sounds so great they can’t comprehend it right now and don’t know what to do next.

Hearing things this way allows you to proceed differently.


Work With Them To Find A Solution

Instead of telling people what you can’t do, you tell people what you can do.

It’s your can-do’s that people are interested in.

You can work with them to find a solution. And it’s knowing what they want that allows you to do this. You can work together to find the best resolution.

That way everyone wins.

Be the person that helps them do what’s right for them.


Let’s review how to handle objections and deal with indecision.

  • Clarify The Objection – Agree and/or apologize.
  • What Else Have You Got? – Is this the only objection?
  • Listen Positively – Think of this as a reason to buy, not a reason not to buy.
  • List Your Can-Do’s – Tell them what you can do not what you can’t do.

By doing this, you can move toward the next steps but they have to feel your support throughout.

Hold their hand, be assured in your ability, and have confidence in your product or service. 

You know now that an objection is not a problem. It’s just a reason they might not want to buy from you right now.

Relax! Play it out and follow the steps.

Work with them slowly and find the resolve to overcome indecision with ease.

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