What do you understand about why people fail to succeed?
It’s nothing to do with what they do, or who they are. It’s that they don’t believe in the possibility.
They see success happening to other people and wrongly believe that it isn’t possible for themselves.
Please don’t fall into this trap, your mind is such a powerful thing and it’s true when someone tells you it’s ‘mind over matter.’
Think Big
If you’ve got into the mindset that success is reserved for other people, you’ve got to set yourself free.
Big is absolutely possible.
Thinking big is very different from recognition. Using recognition as a sign of success is a common mistake that many businesses make.
And recognition does not mark true success.
You might have experienced a bit of this or seen it happen to other people around you. They parade like they’ve achieved a minor miracle, but don’t understand where this sits in the great scheme of life.
They don’t realize that they’re simply just above average.

Don’t Settle For Being In The Just Above Average Club
Let’s set the scene. You’ve been out for a date and it has gone really well. So well that your date has come back to yours for the proverbial ‘cup of coffee.’
You end up having a great night, but in the morning you ask how it was for them.
They answer with ‘it was just above average.’
How happy would you be with that description of your performance? You would most likely feel a little disappointed right?
The same is true for your business marketplace. You might be performing just above average and it’s working out ok, but you shouldn’t settle for that. You could do better.
Your average is not your best.
Raise The Bar
When you see statistics and measures and tables and think ‘I’m there or thereabouts,’ this is not where you should be shooting for.
If you do nothing else then please do this: Raise the bar. Think bigger. Reach higher.
The more successful you become, the more focus you’ll receive.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try
Have you ever found yourself repeatedly short of the same amount of money every month?
Let’s say for example that you’re consistently short $500 on your rent. You borrow it from somewhere to tide you over, but you still have to pay that back every month, so you’re in exactly the same predicament next month.
This is when you need to start thinking of a way out. A real solution to the problem.
You might be thinking that making $500 extra a month is impossible. So forget about making that.
Start planning how to make $5000 instead.
Get the $5000 idea, give it everything you’ve got and mess it up. The result of you messing it up could result in you making the much-needed $500 because you’re really applying yourself to a $5000 idea.
You Won’t Get It Right First Time
Don’t be scared of doing it wrong. Don’t be afraid to give it a try.
You’ll probably want to get it right the very first time, who doesn’t, but the truth is that making your own luck involves self-belief.
You won’t waste your prospects by having a go.
There are plenty of people out there in the world and you can’t mess it up with everyone.
Time will pass regardless. Your success will be the compounded effect of the number of times you mess it up, leaving behind a handful of successes along the way.
So how do you make your own luck?
Reach a little bit bigger. Believe that more is possible.
And don’t be afraid to try.