Change your words. Change your world.

Oklahoma, USA
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Mike Conn

Certified Guide

Mike Conn is from Oklahoma, and he’s a people coach. Everything he does revolves around helping people better deal with each other and leading themselves more efficiently.

Mike specializes in helping students overcome their social and emotional issues, and this has resulted in him building a business where he helps corporate companies overcome similar issues with their workforce, teaching business owners to help their teams do a better job of helping each other feel seen and valued.

The main reason he was drawn to becoming a Certified Guide was the EWTS community, where he discovered a valuable tribe of people with tremendous value.

Mike has always understood the power of words. During elementary school, he had a lisp and stuttered; effective communication was difficult for him. Words are so impactful, and learning to have better conversations was a tremendous asset for him.

If you want to elevate your conversation skills to engage in more effective interactions, you can contact Mike on Instagram. By working with him, you will not only have better Critical Conversations with others, but you will have more effective internal conversations with yourself, too.

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