What does EWTS mean to you?
Once you’ve discovered how powerful changing your words can be, it’s hard not to shout about it to everyone you meet.
The EWTS community is always generous, sharing their time and knowledge as they understand that once you start implementing the methodology, it has the potential to totally change your life.
The Magic Words in this best-selling book are incredibly impactful, but do you know exactly how to implement them? How are you bringing them into your everyday life?
What Exactly Is Exactly What to Say?
EWTS is fundamentally a guide to mastering these three things:
- Customer acquisition
- Customer retention
- Customer spending
That’s it.
And if you get really good at these 3 things, then you will excel both personally and professionally.
Why Choose EWTS?
EWTS was first published in 2017. But not many people know that it was actually a rewrite of a book EWTS founder Phil M. Jones first wrote in 2012, named Magic Words.
It was based on the real-world techniques that he was using successfully every single day.
The 2017 version has sold over 2.2 million copies and has been translated into 29 different languages. It just keeps growing and growing, and Phil keeps being asked to make custom editions of this best-seller, and for good reason – the methodology can be tailored and used in absolutely any industry, by absolutely anyone.
One industry that demonstrates this perfectly is real estate. Exactly What to Say In Real Estate is the only custom edition of the book that is currently available in the public domain. All other custom versions have been provided privately for companies such as Volkswagen and The Photographers Association.
If you’re in real estate or know someone who is, this version of the book is invaluable. It will help you work smarter and produce demonstrably better results.
You might be a brand-new agent or a long-term agent. You might be working in the luxury market or the second-home market. You might have been in the business for six months or somebody who has a team of 35 agents; it doesn’t matter. The methodology and techniques that the book teaches are designed to help you succeed and drive you onward toward conversational excellence.
What this demonstrates is the versatility of the methodology. It transcends industries. It doesn’t sit politely in one place; it is front and centre and can be used by anyone, anywhere.

How To Practice EWTS
How many times have you bought a book intending to read and implement all the techniques, only for the book to remain untouched on your shelf months later?
Most people are great at buying books – but not so good at reading them.
And this is where the beauty of EWTS comes into play. It’s deliberately short, and written so that you can digest the content quickly and implement the techniques even quicker. You might not master it all overnight, but you can certainly make noticeable changes.
Instead of teaching you about persuasion and influence and then leaving you to find examples, the book teaches you examples of persuasion and influence that will help you understand those principles by putting them into practice.
And like most things, putting techniques into practice is where the most significant challenge often lies.
One of the most important things you’ll learn in the book is the very first Cornerstone of Conversational Excellence, which is, ‘The worst time to think about the thing you’re going to say is in the moment where you’re saying it.’
What often gets missed in this statement is the keyword: moment.
Could it be possible that your moments are showing up, and you’re just not as prepared as you need to be?
You could be excellent at building rapport and fabulous at understanding your client’s needs and desires. But abysmal at being able to lead the dance towards the next step – nudging out the competition.
So, if you want to get better at this, then you have to level up those daily conversations and show your prospects what you can offer.
How can you successfully implement this with this book?
Step one is identifying your key moments and then making the most out of them when they happen.
This is as simple as re-reading the book purely through the lens of those moments.
Pick a moment in one of the following three areas: your personal life, how you show up as a leader, and something that’s going to put money in your pocket.
Find a micro-moment and then re-read the book focusing on those moments.
Ask yourself what techniques would have been good, what could you have done differently, and what you can do next time.
You cannot get better at conversation. You cannot get better at communication. But you can get better at reading and applying yourself to the moments that happen on repeat. The words in the book are tools that will allow you to be more proactive and productive in the moment.
When To Start Using EWTS?
There is no better time than now to start using the EWTS methods.
But a little word of warning: Many people make the same mistake and think that the words are magic.
The truth is they aren’t, but with practice and over time, you will get better at interacting, and your interactions will help create better opportunities for you to be more proactive.
Some people might be resistant to the idea of following a script, but remember that EWTS is not a monotonous and mundane script. All it does is provide a practical framework to carve out a meaningful conversation.
An actor can bring you to tears, and they are scripted and directed – why can’t you do the same?
You don’t have to follow it verbatim. Instead, use the knowledge to bring confidence and guidance to the crucial moments that require the most care and attention. This way, you give yourself the best chance of generating effective results.
Remember, your job is to be professional mind-maker-uppers; this book can show you how.