Change your words. Change your world.

Simple Swaps: Stop Saying These 3 Words

Nobody wants to hear the words loss, cost, or problems, so why do we continue to use them all the time?

They are words that often create a negative atmosphere and if you find yourself reaching for these words too, then you can try out this Simple Swap to start creating a more positive reaction from your language.  

Instead of using the word loss, try talking about changes.

Instead of using the problems, talk about challenges.

Instead of using the word cost, talk about value and investment.

Using these word swaps has helped Nicholas in the healthcare world, especially when dealing with patients experiencing hearing challenges. 

Hearing loss, problems with hearing, and the cost of hearing aids can leave patients feeling empty. However, once you change the language, it can completely change your reaction to a situation. 

Talking about hearing changes and challenges, as well as discussing the investment that a hearing aid will be, makes the situation sound a lot less scary and overwhelming.

How could this Simple Swap help you in your world?

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